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5 min to learn the ropes | 10 min to provision your environment | 60 min to install the software

Deployment Environment Requirements

The Entity Intelligence platform can be installed on any server or local machine with enough system resources (e.g. CPU, memory, & storage — see table below) and onto which Docker Engine can be installed.

It is recommended to have at least the following system resources provisioned, but more is better.

Operating SystemAnyLinux
Storage125 GB200 GB+
vCPU8vCPU16-32 vCPU+
Memory (RAM)1632-64GB+
Cores2 cores4-8 cores+

Installation Steps

For pilot deployments, Agolo can be run on a single server or local machine running Docker.


For production deployments where massive scalability is required, the deployment process is more involved, wherein a container orchestration system like Kubernetes is recommended to manage auto-scaling. Agolo has a separate deployment process for production deployments of this nature, which is not covered in this guide.

What you'll need

  • A server environment or local machine with adequate resources (ideally running Linux O.S.)
  • Docker Engine installed
  • The Agolo-provided installation script designed for your environment's operating system
  • Agolo-provided access credentials in order to download the Agolo Entity Intelligence Docker images

Agolo provides an easy install shell script specific to your environment's operating system to guide you through the installation process from start to finish.

Overview of steps:

  1. Provision the deployment environment with at least the minimum recommendeded resources referenced above.
  2. Install Docker on the target environment.
  3. Execute the O.S.-specific installation shell script|ps|etc provided by Agolo in your environment.
    • You will likely need to grant the script execution permissions, e.g. chmod +x
  4. Run steps 1-3 of the script in order, following the on-screen prompts and instructions.
    • When prompted by the script, enter the access credentials provided by your Agolo contact

You should be able to deploy the Agolo Entity Intelligence platform in approximately 60 minutes.